For the first course learning outcomes, I feel like I haven’t addressed it. Simply, because I did not acknowledge my classmates different words on the same concept and using them as resources. I’m quit confused by this outcome but I do understand that you’re supposed to use that difference and distinguishing it and taking into account of my classmates. I plan to address this outcome by acknowledging my classmates and simply their language in order to have a discussion with them.
Second course learning outcome,
I have included a picture of my notes from the research proposal. This assignment was very helpful when I began my research paper draft because I knew what type of paper I wanted to write with my sources in order. I was able to map out the significant information from my sources and go into detail when I began writing.
Third Learning Outcome.
Regarding the conventions of genre, I had to negotiate my own writing skills. Beginning of this class, I did not understand the articles fully and they were very complex. I had to figure out the similarities they had shared with and distinguishing between them. It was a totally different writing format and citations as well that I had to understand and use. Overtime, through the use of annotations and simply reading, I was able to understand the genre and enhance it into my own work,
Fourth Learning Outcome.
Although, I do not have copies of my peer review edits, I will discuss its significance. The feedback for my research draft was positive. My classmates understood my argument (very important) and they thought I was on the right track.
Fifth Learning Outcome.
By engaging in genre analysis, I was able to analyze the similarities and differences between the articles for this class. By doing so, I developed my reading skills in order to full understand the content. For example, the use of jargon was used in at least 2 articles. That portrays how this genre can sometimes be similar through using jargon.
Sixth Learning Outcome.
For my Literature Review Paper, I had trouble formulating a stance. I wanted to focus on so many things and didn’t understand the assignment at first. Through the feedback from Professor Grove, I was able to focus on a specific topic and choose sources that were for and against it. I wanted to state my thesis and use my sources by connecting the pattern between them.
Seventh Learning Outcome.
For all of the assignments for this class, I used CCNY library database. I also heard of new databases such as pubmed. I made sure they were credible and relevant to what I was discussing about. There are a lot of unreliable sources, especially from Google Scholar so I decided to not use that search engine.
Eighth Learning Outcome.
The main practices I strengthen was analyzing and citing sources. I decided to incorporate AMA citation and using subscripts. For analyzing, I really had to look at the bigger picture for sources and discuss where readers would understand. I took a while but the most important part is knowing what direction you want to take and finding sources that relate to them and that you understand them.